Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 3: Word

      I really am not wuite sure what Inspiration is.  What I got from it was that it is a powerpoint.  Powerpoints can be used effectively in classrooms for notetaking.
      When I was in highschool (and even now) I was not very good at taking notes during a lecture.  I like it now when my teachers give us powerpoint presentations for us to use as notes.  Even if they don't make copies for me to take home, just puting it up on the projector is helpful.  It makes it so much easier for me to follow the lecture and write down the main points of the lecture since they are made clear and obvious.  I think using this in a high school classroom will make it so much easier for students to follow along and be clear on what you are trying to teach them.
      Again, I am not sure what Inspiration is other than a powerpoint. (If anyone knows pleae clue me in.)  But if that is what it is it will be helpful in the classroom for note taking.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you felt about not being sure what the insperation video was all about, it took me 3 time of waching it to finaly understan. Like you i too like it when my teachers use power points and example in the class room and as a teacher i am definantly goin to use them, because so many students are visual learners and being a math major i think it will be easier for my students to understand the lessons if i had a graph, web or anything of that sort to look at.
