Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Week 4: Spreadsheets

      I love spreadsheets.  I may be strange, but I always have loved them and found them very useful.  Spreadsheets are just about the only thin in this class that I get so far.  I think spreadsheets can be useful as gradebooks for teachers and for students. 
      If you use formulas correctly you do not have to do the math yourself; just put in the number and let the computer do it for you.  Students can track their grades using spreadsheets so they know where they stand.
      If you understand spreadsheets and use them correctly you can come in very handy.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.  88-90

Week 3: Word

      I really am not wuite sure what Inspiration is.  What I got from it was that it is a powerpoint.  Powerpoints can be used effectively in classrooms for notetaking.
      When I was in highschool (and even now) I was not very good at taking notes during a lecture.  I like it now when my teachers give us powerpoint presentations for us to use as notes.  Even if they don't make copies for me to take home, just puting it up on the projector is helpful.  It makes it so much easier for me to follow the lecture and write down the main points of the lecture since they are made clear and obvious.  I think using this in a high school classroom will make it so much easier for students to follow along and be clear on what you are trying to teach them.
      Again, I am not sure what Inspiration is other than a powerpoint. (If anyone knows pleae clue me in.)  But if that is what it is it will be helpful in the classroom for note taking.

Friday, September 10, 2010


What do you think about using blogs? What and how do you think blogs would be useful for education? Some people think using blogs in classrooms is a waste of students’ time. How would you respond?
What are some ways that you could use he technology ideas in Chapter 6 to support your curriculum and student learners?

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. 

I am excited to learn to use technology in the classroom.  I think there are many useful tools out there to better reach students.  Blogs and Wikis, especially, can be useful sources of information.  Children today are more technologically advanced than those of previous time periods.  Some people may think that using technology is a waste of time but I think that if you want to reach students you must stay up to date with teaching methods.  When I was in highschool I hated nothing more that a teacher from the stone age.
      Blogs and Wikis are great for communicating the ideas of a whole "community" of students and teachers in one forum.  Everyone can see everyone's ideas.  Many students today use computers so much of the time that it just makes sense to use the situation to your advantage.  We use Wiki space for my American Literature class and it makes the whole class so much easier. Everyone can share their ideas in a way that lets everyone be heard.
      I think using blogs or wikis either one is a great idea.  Technology can involve all students, even the shy ones because almost all students of today use these things anyway.  It is a useful way to reach a new generation of learners.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Hi.  This is my blog. I hve no idea what I am doing, but my picture is cute huh?  That would be because it is my son, Jayden, who is three months old.  I am from Yantis, which is a teeny tiny town right in the middle of Lake Fork.  I live there with my husband and our son.  As soon as I figure out how to put more pictures on here I will post some of Jayden and my husband, Justin.  Ok, so I guess i need to go and figure this thing out! Bye!