Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 11

The three principles I think would be most useful are the Multimodal Principle- where knowledge is obtained through different aspects such as being able to tell students how to do something, show them pictures, let them discuss it, and then act out or physically do it, the Semiotic Domains Principle- where learning involves mastering semiotic domains and being able to participate in groups connected to them, and the Probing Principle- which is a learning cycle of doing something, reflecting in and on actions, and forming a hypothesis, re-probing to test the hypothesis, and then accepting or rethinking the hypothesis.
I don’t really know what kind of simulation would be helpful in my classroom. I kind of like the old fashioned way of learning language arts- textbooks, literature and discussions. Really none of this is stuff I am looking forward to using like previous technologies we have covered such as blogs or wikis.
In conclusion, I understand that all technologies can be useful in the classroom, but these in particular, I think, would be better utilized in agriculture or science.

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